Monday, February 9, 2009

My vision of evolution... at the gas pump.

This isn't to talk about the environment (although I truly believe in helping Gaia), but about the pump. Literally. My vision of the future of gas pumps is that they will evolve. Not just to have outlets for electric cars outside of California and to pick up spare solar panels, but true evolution. I see gas pumps going as far as growing up... into vending machine technology. I know, this sounds a little odd, but imagine it. You put two twenties in the gas pump, pump 26 dollars worth of gas and get 14 dollars back from the machine. Or, if you will, you put in your last 5 dollars and it stops pumping at that amount. No running inside to preset the amount with a line to wait in and a rude 18 year old cashier (21 year old if they sell alcohol). You could get your gas on off shifts, when most places are closed. You could have a set of pumps near those random street corner ATMs.

Ta, darlings!

My not so humble opinion about Uggs.

Uggs. The name alone elicits the response I have when seen these worn at all, never-the-less worn in all the wrong ways! For those that didn't know, Uggs were made originally in Australia for surfers. Ugg is a word Down Under for sheepskin. Here is my rant, darlings.
If they are being worn with PJ bottoms or sweat pants, it looks unkempt. It brings to mind images of college kids who had to stumble out of their dorm during their exhausted or hungover haze: (Poor Reese, she usually looks very nice.)

Worn with bare legs or nude panty hose and a matching colored skirt looks childish. Great for the kiddies, but not for the women. Matching and childish:

Off balance due to bad coordination and bare legs, and it doesn't matter that it's their advertisement, my opinion stands:

Worn with short shorts, despite the popularity, looks slutty and a bit whorish. (BTW, what did she do to the army sweat jacket? That's criminal and doesn't show respect for our troops.):

I don't like them worn with big, heavy coats or coats made from the same kind of sheep skin since unless you're an Inuit out on the ice tundra. Heavy winter coat: (Kate has been chic more often than not, lets just hope that this was an unfortunate skiing accident!) (Inuit girl From

Highly inappropriate with nice dresses (not that the sweater is helping):

I think the only time in summer that you should wear them is if you are coming back from surfing (like they were originally designed for). But the rest of the summer I think it's not appropriate since they are to make you warm and it is already hot out. Since most of the heat from our bodies escape the top of our heads and the bottom of our feet it can cause overheating and can be unsanitary from the amount of bacteria building up in the collected sweat . Jeans tucked in or over the Ugg with a matching colored sweater, not so bad. Black tights, denim mini and a tight sweater, not so bad.

Ways I like them (or find them passable, at any rate):

With French-cuffed jeans (there is an uneven fold in this picture, but not bad):
Neatly tucked:

With Tights (ignore the cap, that would be an entirely different post!):

Careful guys, they have them for men - I very much dislike them:

Ta, darlings!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Tiffany & Co.

I found a few things I want (and can save up for) from Tiffany's! The first is the one I'm including a picture of: the little blue box. Not only, like most women, would I love to get one, this one sticks around for years to come! It's an adorable little charm, you can get a silver charm bracelet with it, but that's way too expensive for me. I think I may put it on a long silver chain when I finally save for it. With trying to get a new puppy for Ostara (Easter), I plan on saving afterwards and maybe getting it for Midsummer's Night. It costs $150.00.
The other items are:
If I can't save that, though, I have a back up plan! These adorable little earrings from Betsey Johnson for $35.00:

That's it for today. Time for some gourmet French Vanilla hot chocolate.

Ta, darlings!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A busy two weeks.

This is going to be a busy two weeks and a rather long post!

First things first. Tomorrow is the Chinese New Years. We welcome the year of the Ox. I found this picture at

As a tiger, this is supposed to be very bad with only 3 neutral months and 9 unfavorable months. Luckily, I'm not worried about that. I consider it a general guide, not a specific telling of doom. A person's outlook is the strongest indicator of their future.

Want to know what you are? This site has birth selector and can instantly let you know:

Want to know what the year of the Ox means to your sign? This site can tell you:

Next week, however, is Imbolc. Once again, I'm excited and preplanning the holiday. Imbolc is the halfway mark between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. This is why my "spring cleaning" happens so early. We begin to say bonjour to spring and au revoir to winter. I believe Christians still celebrate this holiday and call it Candlemas. Many pagans call it that, too, come to think of it, depending on the specific religious belief.

All that aside, I'm also cleaning up the place where I live. Once I'm done (since I work full time, etc, it isn't coming along quickly), I'm getting a puppy. I would like a party-mix toy poodle. If you haven't seen one of those, no worries! I have pictures.

I'm as bad as an expectant mother. I have bookmarks of stuff I want to get, I have been picking out names, and I have been planning which training classes we should attend. I have even picked out a puppy car seat. See ladies, this is what happens when you can't have children. You have puppies that are as important as them.

Before you get a puppy, you have to evaluate the lifestyle you actually have, not the wishful thinking one, but the real one. Then you have to research which breeds have the proper temperament to fit into that lifestyle. If you live in an apartment, you shouldn't have a Great Dane. I loved our Dane, Lobo, but he would have destroyed this place twice in the first month! Teacup breeds would get too easily lost in my apartment, so I decided that a toy sized would be about right. With the lifestyle and knowing energy levels considered, I looked into the breeds: and then looked further into the breed of my choice: and,

Make sure you get familiar with the signs of healthy pets, because when you're meeting all the puppies, you want a healthy one brought into your home. Then you have to decide your buying philosophy. I would prefer buying through the ASPCA (, but if they don't have any appropriate pooches, then I'll have to check classifieds. I don't buy dogs at the mall.

Puppy names: Although I want to use GiGi (Georgianna) or FiFi (Francine or Francois), I'm open to changing that name when I meet le chien. I want a French name, but I don't want to name the puppy something common. So, more research, another link: at the bottom, there's a selection of links to cultural names. They also have which has lists of names, the bottom most is pet names that are listed by popularity.

Doing your research, you may have come upon If not, bookmark it now. They keep up with what is being recalled by companies, pet projects and weekly videos.

Now, onto the shinies!

There are some DIY pet projects I have bookmarked, but those will wait for another day.

Ta, darlings!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Elle Decor

Look at this picture:

There are things in it I love and things in it I would never do. Just the same, I adore the color palette, love the bottles on the table and the chair to the left is an item that I would make room in my home for. I found this little gem at Elle magazine's decor site:

I know the URL isn't actually "", but the link from there takes you to the one I posted.

Now, onto a small dilemma. I have had the same homepage for months. It's a nice page with regular posts about the Ton and Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, in particular. For those interested in finding that site, it can be found here: I still need a new homepage though, part of my spring cleaning ritual. I'm not sure what I will use for it right now. Here are a couple front runners: I spent 13 years living there. Images found from all over the net with multiple daily uploads. Decor with opinions. Usually they're kinder than my opinion and I enjoy the fact that not everyone raves all offerings just because of the name of the owner or designer.

That's it for now.
Ta, darlings!

Spring cleaning.

I have deleted all my old entries. Sad, but necessary in order to follow the progression of life. Remember the past fondly, but don't hold too close or you cut yourself off from the new.

During my spring cleaning of l'blog, I have changed the background to this lovely piece. I downloaded it from and they have a wide assortment.

For those unfamiliar with me and new to the blog, I named the blog for the truth of it. I post random thoughts at random times. I may blog three time in one day or not at all for a couple weeks. A failing, I know.

For those of you who have dropped by before, welcome back.

Ta, darlings!

Random Thoughts. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino